(已額滿)【太空產業供應鏈發展先期計畫】2022 低軌衛星國際培育營 立方衛星設計及手做實務(全英文授課) 2022 Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite - CubeSat Design and Hands-on Practices
活動日期 / Date: 2022/11/16 08:00  ~  2022/11/17 17:00
活動內容 / Event Details:
2022 低軌衛星國際培育營 立方衛星設計及手做實務
2022 Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite - CubeSat Design and Hands-on Practices

● 國際培育營為期兩天,聚焦於「低軌衛星產業趨勢國際業師分享」,和「立方衛星實務應用場景」,透過日本UNISEC HEPTA-Sat立方衛星套件訓練教材,進行創新的課程設計、深化立方衛星學理知識,經由系統化實作,培養立方衛星專業人才。
● 本課程免費報名、名額有限(以大三以上~碩士在學學生(含外籍生)和社會新鮮人申請,航太、機械、電機電子、通訊工程等科系為優先),餘額開放對太空/衛星相關領域有興趣的人員,敬請把握!

● The two-day international training camp is focused on information sharing on the trends in low-earth-orbit space industry and hand-on practices of CubeSat kits. The latter will utilize UNISEC HEPTA-Sat training kit to learn satellite design techniques and practice skills. The event is expected to provide perspectives from industry and systems engineering approaches in satellite design, which will pave the way for space talent incubation.
● Free and limited, with preference given to applicants who hold a bachelor's or master's degree in aerospace, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, communication engineering, or who are fresh graduate or work in the space and satellite industries, etc.

議程/ Agenda:

* 課程執行單位保留課程內容、日程與講師之權利。
* The session coordinator may  modify the courses, schedule, and speakers as necessary.

注意事項/ Precautions:

          ◆ 課程中請勿錄影、錄音。
          ◆ 參與本活動之住宿和交通方式敬請自理,當日提供午餐。
          ◆ 本課程為實體活動。為配合中央防疫措施,主辦單位將提供酒精消毒手部、量測體溫的措施。請務必全程配戴口罩,體溫超過37.5者禁止入場。
          ◆ 課程前一天將寄發活動通知函,敬請配合執行簽到/簽退、填寫課後問卷及相關必要之行政作業。
          ◆ 本活動正取40位、備取15位,錄取後如欲取消,請聯繫活動承辦人,名額將由候補學員遞補。考量教學品質,當天恕不受理臨時報名,若因故無法參與,敬請主動與開課單位聯繋。
          ◆ 課程執行單位保留調整課程內容、日程與講師之權利。
          ◆ 活動前若因不可抗力因素(將以政府公告為依據,如配合中央防疫升級、颱風等)無法正常進行活動時,主辦單位將有權決定暫停或取消本活動,並於活動網頁公告/電子郵件通知。
          ◆ No video or audio recording during the course.
          ◆ All expenses related to participating in the event (traffic & accommodation) will be borne by yourself. Lunch and refreshments provided on the day.
          ◆ The course will be handled as a physical activity and cooperate with the central anti-epidemic measures. The organizer will provide measures to disinfect hands with alcohol, measure body temperature. Please be sure to wear a facial mask throughout the whole process, and those with a body temperature over 37.5 are prohibited from entering the venue.
          ◆ A notification email will be sent the day before the course. Please cooperate with the unit to sign in/ out, fill out the after-course questionnaire, and perform necessary administrative work.
          ◆ This activity is taking 40 people and 15 people are reserved.
          ◆ If you want to cancel the registration, please contact the organizer of the event, and the candidates will fill in the list. Considering the quality of teaching, temporary registration will not be accepted on the day. If you are unable to participate for any reason, please take the initiative to contact the starting unit.
          ◆ National Cheng-Kung University reserves the right to adjust the course content, schedule and instructors.
          If the event can’t be carried out normally due to force majeure factors (such as epidemic situation, typhoon, etc.), the organizer has the right to suspend or cancel the event. And will be announced on the official website and e-mail notification. 
          活動時間地點 / Time Slots:
          場次名稱 / Event 日期 / Date 地址 / Address
          2022 低軌衛星國際培育營 立方衛星設計及手做實務(全英文授課) 2022/11/16 08:00  ~  2022/11/17 17:00
          臺南市東 區大學路一號 (國立成功大學自強校區電機系B1令洋廳)
          報名費用及截止日期 / Registration Info:
          場次 / Session 費用說明 / Cost 報名時間 / Registration Period 人數限制 / Max of Attendants
          2022 低軌衛星國際培育營 立方衛星設計及手做實務(全英文授課) 0 2022/10/26~2022/11/10 55
          活動聯絡人 / Contact Us:
          國立成功大學王小姐 (National Cheng-Kung University – Ms. Wang)   z10609058@email.ncku.edu.tw   (06) 276-3880