【物聯網智造基地 IoT Service Hub】IoT Service Hub Can Help! Turning Ideas into Products!
活動日期 / Date: 2022/08/12 14:00  ~  16:30
活動內容 / Event Details:

With the support from Industrial Development Bureau, Minisry of Economic Affaire, IoT Service Hub provides manufacturing-oriented guidance programs.

IoT Service Hub can help companies check existing product inventory, run diagnises regarding business operation, and even refer case to professionals to seek further help. Also, it can offer a veriety of assistance in termas of soft-and hardware, cloud platform, product design, marketing, and field trial, etc.

There is no doublt that the IoT Service Hub can certainly help you mass-produce and launch your competitive products into the market!

Although, IoT Service Hub is based in Taiwan, we also welcome international IoT Startup to join us.

If you are looking for manufacturing resources, you could attend this event and get to know us more.

Event Information:
Date:12nd of Aug.
Time:14:00-16:00 (Taiwan Standard Time;GMT+8)
Place: ITeS Building, Room 101, Taipei, Taiwan ( (台北市民生東路41331101 會議室)
Live Stream : 

1. The main language in this event will be English (or Mandarin translated into English)

2. This event will be held at ITeS building at Taipei, but also will broadcast live. 

活動時間地點 / Time Slots:
場次名稱 / Event 日期 / Date 地址 / Address
【物聯網智造基地 IoT Service Hub】IoT Service Hub Can Help! Turning Ideas into Products! 2022/08/12 14:00  ~  16:30
臺北市1F, No,133, Sec.4, Minsheng, E. RD, Songshan Dist. Taipei
報名費用及截止日期 / Registration Info:
場次 / Session 費用說明 / Cost 報名時間 / Registration Period 人數限制 / Max of Attendants
【物聯網智造基地 IoT Service Hub】IoT Service Hub Can Help! Turning Ideas into Products! 0 2022/07/08~2022/08/10 60
活動聯絡人 / Contact Us:
Lin, Yi-Hua   yhlin@iii.org.tw   886-2-6607-2548