【Maker Hatch Day】「Physical Interactions in Virtual Reality」專題講座 (線上直播)
活動日期 / Date: 2021/09/28 19:00  ~  21:00
活動內容 / Event Details:


While prior research in haptics heavily focuses on mechanical development, we achieve physical feedback in VR using less physical equipment but more sophisticated computational systems that integrate knowledge of human perception and physical environment. We foresee that, instead of mechanical machines, computational systems will take over and play the major role when it comes to bringing physical feedback in VR to the general public.
We thus aiming at the following five explorations to gain deeper insights of the topic.

§  Modeling human perception of physical feedback, e.g., tactile perception and proprioception, by systematic studies.

§  Developing computational systems that understand physical interations between users and their surroundings using new sensors and new algorithms.

§  Building driver systems that orchestrate new hardware with less physical requirement.

§  Identifying limitations with technical evaluations, e.g., comparing with current off-the-shelf technologies.

§  Designing new techniques and strategies to enrich interactivity.



鄭龍磻(Lung-Pan Cheng

Dr. Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Information Engineering department at National Taiwan University since Feb 2019.
Advised by Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch, he finished his PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany in 2018.
During his PhD, he had research internships at Apple Inc. in 2014, and at Microsoft Research Redmond in 2016 and 2018.
He also holds a Master’s degree from National Taiwan University and a Bachelor’s degree from National Chiao Tung University, both in Computer Science. His recent research focuses on enriching immersive experiences to for a broader audience by mixing the strength of both virtual and physical realities and receives the grant for the Einstein Program from Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.
He has been actively serving in the program committee of top-tier Computer Science conferences (ACM CHI, UIST, MobileHCI).






活動時間地點 / Time Slots:
場次名稱 / Event 日期 / Date 地址 / Address
【Maker Hatch Day】「Physical Interactions in Virtual Reality」專題講座 (線上直播) 2021/09/28 19:00  ~  21:00
報名費用及截止日期 / Registration Info:
場次 / Session 費用說明 / Cost 報名時間 / Registration Period 人數限制 / Max of Attendants
【Maker Hatch Day】「Physical Interactions in Virtual Reality」專題講座 (線上直播) 0 2021/09/21~2021/09/27 60
活動聯絡人 / Contact Us:
陳小姐   szchi2232@gmail.com   02-2771-2171 ext:8913